Opening Song: Nothing in All the Earth by Sovereign Grace Music Glorious Christ by Sovereign Grace Music Nothing But the Blood by Sam Ock The Wonderful Cross by Shane and Shane How Deep the Father’s Love for Us by Austin Stone Song of Response: Christ the Sure and Steady Anchor by Matt Boswell
Kim graduated from UCLA in 2015 and is currently serving on staff at GOC. She works as a tax accountant, and enjoys coffee, reading, and basketball (watching and playing). I did not grow up in a Christian family, but my parents sent me and my sister to a Christian school from Kindergarten through high school. ... continue reading
Opening Song: O For a Thousand Tongues to Sing by Charles Wesley Come Behold the Wondrous Mystery by Matt Papa Before the Throne of God Above by Sovereign Grace Music Grace and Peace by Sovereign Grace Music Song of Response: Jesus I My Cross Have Taken by Enfield
Riley is a first year, Human Biology and Society major (though this may change soon…) that loves candy, God, nature, music, sports, bad jokes, and good conversation! (not in that order) The story of my salvation is likely similar to what you’ve heard before, and that in itself is a miracle. I grew up in ... continue reading
written by David Chow Martin Luther is famously known for starting the Protestant Reformation by confronting the Roman Catholic Church’s abuse of their indulgence system. In this system, a person could effectively purchase partial or even complete remission of temporal punishment. Luther wrote against this abuse 500 years ago when he nailed his famous 95 ... continue reading
Joyce is a second year computer science major with a love for consuming authentic pumpkin flavored foods, reveling in the beauty of gloomy days with pouring rain, attempting to lift heavy items, and listening to acoustic mellow music and hymns. I grew up in a Christian home and was consequently exposed to the Gospel very ... continue reading
Victoria is a third year studying chemical engineering. She enjoys God, music, and doing homework while lying on the couch. She apologizes in advance for terrible memory and for writing that probably has not improved since age 10. Praise the Lord, for He has had great mercy on me! God graciously placed me in a ... continue reading
Opening Song: All Glory Be Forever by Sovereign Grace Music My Worth is Not in What I Own by Keith and Kristyn Getty I Have a Shelter by Sovereign Grace Music Oh the Deep, Deep Love by Sovereign Grace Music Song of Response: Amazing Grace (My Chains are Gone) by Shane and Shane
written by Geo Ng You stayed up late the night before. The professor turns off the lights and turns on the PowerPoint. But his only power is to point you to the wonderful world of unconscious dreamland. You wake up from your dream of butterflies and ninjas. What? Five minutes passed? Alright, no more falling asleep.
Alyssa is a first year Physiological science major whose hobbies include collecting stationery, doing crafts, and playing soccer. She also enjoys eating ice cream and going on boba runs. God has blessed me tremendously throughout my entire life—none of my words or praises could ever amount to the glory and honor He deserves. Nonetheless, I ... continue reading