
Firm Convictions

Friday Night Devotional by Will Chen, 4/15/16 Truth is objective. We believe this wholeheartedly as Christians. The Word of God is intrinsically true and needs no additional validation for its veracity. We must have this conviction as we are inundated with worldly opinions, especially at a college campus. But how is it that truth actually affects ... continue reading

Grace Greater Than All Our Sin

written by Annie Zeng Towards the end of fall quarter, a series of events led me to realize that in my pride I had forgotten how lowly I was in the light of God and His holiness. As a result, one of my new year’s resolutions was to identify three specific moments that I had ... continue reading

Behold, the Lamb who Takes Away our Sin

Friday Night Devotional by Tim Ushijima, 4/8/2016 “The next day he [John the Baptist] saw Jesus coming to him and said, ‘Behold, the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world!’” (John 1:29). This is such a simple phrase but the enormity of it is staggering.

Excuses, Excuses, Excuses…

written by Ethan Lew One fine Monday morning, I was reading Exodus 32 with a steaming mug of milk tea in one hand when I nearly spat out my tea. “So they gave it to me, and I threw it into the fire, and out came this calf.” Did Aaron actually expect Moses to believe ... continue reading

Testimony of the Week: Rebecca Wong

Rebecca enjoys trying new restaurants (especially dessert shops!), exercising, and occasionally singing (with people who are playing instruments). She likes to drink coffee, go hiking, and spend time outdoors. Ever since I was young I remember being easily influenced by the people around me. I spent my elementary years in a small private Christian school, ... continue reading

Do You Pray?

Friday Night Devotional by David Chow, 4/1/2016 Penned in his famous booklet, “A Call To Prayer,” J.C. Ryle asks the reader again and again three simple words, “DO YOU PRAY?” He goes on to emphasize the importance of prayer as absolutely needful to a man’s salvation, as one of the surest marks of a true ... continue reading

Cultivating a Love for the Lost

written by Louise Koo During these past couple of years, God has graciously orchestrated a string of events that grew my heart for non-Christians. Although I knew the importance of sharing the gospel with unbelievers and being purposeful in my conversations with them, my sinful pride had always discouraged me from any awkward moments with ... continue reading

Testimony of the Week: Daryl Moniaga

Daryl is a first year psychobiology major who loves food, weird awkward things, and puppies. He enjoys cycling, terrible jokes, doing mediocre accents, and thinks that being weird is pretty great. I grew up knowing all the words to the songs in church, always praying before every meal and before bed, and hearing the classic ... continue reading

Our Helper Inside

written by Leah Cheng A little while back, there was a moment in my spiritual life where I felt like I was failing. Failing in everything. I couldn’t please anyone, not my family nor my friends. I felt discouraged, inadequate, small, and powerless. Above all, I was disobeying God and I knew it. I had ... continue reading

Testimony of the Week: Grant Gates

Grant F. Gates is a math major (class of 2016) who really likes beards, books, coffee, reading books, baseball, writing about books, and theology. God blessed me with Christian parents and church attendance from the age of negative forty weeks. From birth I was exposed to gospel centered Biblical teaching at home, in Sunday School, ... continue reading