Victoria is a third year studying chemical engineering. She enjoys God, music, and doing homework while lying on the couch. She apologizes in advance for terrible memory and for writing that probably has not improved since age 10.
Praise the Lord, for He has had great mercy on me! God graciously placed me in a church-going family since birth. By “church-going,” I mean going to church every Sunday and nothing more – no prayer, Bible reading, or conversations about spiritual matters at home. But it also meant I was exposed to the gospel from a very young age and continued to hear it often on Sundays. I don’t think I ever doubted what I was taught in church as a child, but my understanding was shallow and I did not apply it to my life. Knowing the Gospel did not cause me to turn from my sin. I had no desire to obey God’s word, except in an effort to earn praise from others.
As I grew older and spent a couple of years at a Christian school, got involved with a youth fellowship, and attended some church retreats, I grew in my knowledge of God and His Gospel. I learned that I could actually have a relationship with God and worship Him. I learned that my sin offended God and Jesus died in my place so that I could be forgiven.
Throughout middle and high school, I slowly grew in my desire to pray, learn about God, worship Him, and go to church. I think at some point during that time period I came to true repentance and faith, but I’m also not completely sure. My church attendance was spotty, so I was not fed well, and my lack of Bible reading did not help. But I do remember finding at least part of my identity in Christ, listening to a lot of worship songs, and sometimes desiring to give God glory through my academics and sports. (This is all very fuzzy in my mind. High school was a weird time.)
God began to grow my desire to attend church more often near the end of high school. By what means did He do this? I have no idea. (If I used to know, I have since forgotten.) But it is all God’s work. Entering college, I wanted to find a solid Christian fellowship where I would grow, but I also didn’t know what that really meant. Through a friend’s referral, God in His incredible mercy brought me to Grace on Campus in the beginning of my freshman year. Since then, God has worked in me through the faithful preaching, discipleship, and ministry of Grace Community Church.
Over these past few years, God has graciously taught me to treasure Him, His word, His church, and prayer. He has brought me into a deeper understanding of the Gospel and I strive to live all of my life for Christ, my Lord and Savior! It is my hope that I may grow to truly count all things as loss in view of the surpassing value of knowing Christ (Philippians 3:8). I still sin, but I repent of and fight my sin in the pursuit of holiness, looking forward to the day when God’s sanctifying work will be complete. I know that Jesus in His love and humility has paid my debt – “How blessed is he whose transgression is forgiven, whose sin is covered!” (Psalm 32:1) I can know God because He has given me righteousness through faith. Very God of very God, Ruler of all! The gift of righteousness from a holy God! When I dwell on the Gospel, I am awestruck. God has been so, so, so gracious to reveal to me glorious truths in His word. May God receive all the glory, for only He is worthy!
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